I know that lots of people have the Walmart Toshiba - A205-S5000 satellite. I just picked up a broken one. Its not too bad. I'm dissappointed that the volume knob turned into a digital encoder, rather than an analog adjustment. But it is kind of neat to see it 'pop' the volume on bezel. This is not necessarily a step-by-step.
It is intended for information, thought you will be able to use this information to get a working system. I tried iDeneb 1.3 10.5.5 but i couldn't get the video going with it. I'm not really sure what I was doing wrong.
Toshiba Satellite A205 S5000
So this is an annoying issue. I'm not sure what the root problem is, or what part of the solution is fixing my problem, but here is the problem: Problem: boots up with either a blue screen or a black screen and is not responsive remotely (ssh) or locally. Don't really know what the issue is.
I suspect that it is the video driver, but i have no real evidence. Solution (Bandage): I have already backed up all of my extensions, which is the most important part. I boot to single with -s, rm -Rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelGMAX3100., reboot.
The Official Toshiba Support Website provides support for Satellite A205-S5000. Notes about your system: A toshiba satellite a205-s4607 processor is found in mobile computers and cellphones. Welcome to the Toshiba Support Forum, created for customers and enthusiasts to share knowledge, solve problems and discuss technology. Crucial Memory and SSD upgrades - 100% Compatibility Guaranteed for Toshiba Satellite A205-S5000 - FREE US Delivery.
Upon reboot, it loads a generic video driver. Then I use KextHelper to reinstall all 4 files that were removed from the extensions folder. When I reboot, everything is fine. I'm not sure if the cache rebuild is doing the trick or of something is misconfigured with the video driver, but it is a little annoying. Anybody have any tips for this issue? I also don't have the battery being recognized correctly. Are there preferences that I can delete or modify?
I suspect that its the battery's address that is causing issues.